Residents of Chelyabinsk, Russia, said the meteor appears at 9:20 pm local time, a long stretch of smoke in the sky with a roar panicking local residents. Then a bright light approaching and shortly after it appeared a deafening sound. Glass shattering, hundreds of car alarms went off, and the ground was shaking. Until now there have been no reports of deaths due to extraordinary events, Meteor Fall in russia weighing 10 tons, the only injury from shards of building materials and impact to the head. Meteor di Russia seberat 10 Ton.
Meteor in Russia weighing 10 tons
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addprams - Saturday, February 16, 2013
Residents of Chelyabinsk, Russia, said the meteor appears at 9:20 pm local time, a long stretch of smoke in the sky with a roar panicking local residents. Then a bright light approaching and shortly after it appeared a deafening sound. Glass shattering, hundreds of car alarms went off, and the ground was shaking. Until now there have been no reports of deaths due to extraordinary events, Meteor Fall in russia weighing 10 tons, the only injury from shards of building materials and impact to the head. Meteor di Russia seberat 10 Ton.
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